Thursday 18 October 2012

New headquarters

You know I have to ask.

If The Last Rites organization has a headquarters in Washington why the fuck did they make me travel all the way to fucking Texas?

The more I learn about this organization the more I feel like I should hate everyone of them. I mean at this point they are almost single handedly responsible for Kycilia's death and everything that happened to me as a result.

Right anyways...

So The Cold Boy... That guy Proxiehunter sent me a link with a list of the creatures a while back I read a few...

I kind of thought it was probably mostly bullshit...

Guess not.

Maybe if I had paid more attention I could have recognized Marie for what she was.

Maybe I could have prevented all this...

Oh also The archangel permanently deafened me in my right ear with that first shot so that's nice...

Right sorry went on another tangent.

The rest of the organization apparently had no idea about these other creatures either.

I've been put in charge of researching these other creatures to prevent something like that happening again.

So I've been checking the link Proxiehunter (Interesting spelling by the way) sent me and a few others.

I've also been reading some other people's accounts of interactions with The creatures.

I refuse to use the name that has come up most often and the term Phobic Representational Entity sounds like pretentious bullshit and upon looking it up is pretty much just a more pretentious way of saying fears so no thanks. Fossils was one I came upon as well but that makes me think dinosaurs so ignoring that too...

I think I'm just going to refer to them as The Assholes because they are.

Every last one of them is an asshole.

I doubt the organization will be willing to adopt that name though...

On another note a few of the surviving members reading my account have started to become suspicious.

What with The Archangel showing up and saving my life and all that.

He saved my life at an earlier point too but that was put down to him trying to infiltrate The organization and needing me alive. Now people aren't quite sure though. I heard some whisperings that they think I might be a Timberwolf and that I had been purposely bringing The Archangel there and had known all along.

It's not true but I must admit sounds plausible from an outside point of view... Doesn't mean I won't punch out anyone who says it to my face.

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