Tuesday 25 September 2012

Red Eye.

Lying back in an uncomfortable seat with no legroom. Everyone else is asleep or so I thought. Too tired to sleep. Went over things in my head then I heard the singing.

I look over and Marie is singing quietly to herself. Her eyes are closed but I'm pretty sure she's awake.

She's just singing some french song.

I don't know much french but I'm pretty sure she said crocodile and something about elephants.

After she finished she yawned and then was silent.

I'm still awake though.

I keep glancing around at the other passengers...

I don't think I'll ever stop being paranoid now... Anyone here could secretly be some dead guy or girl being used by that monster.

I can't sleep. Any of these passengers could be it and while I'm sleeping it could just slip up slit all our throats or kill us in some other horrible way then disappear.

Sure you can test for it but not an entire plane not without a really good excuse anyways. The only people I know are still alive are Fay and Marie because I tested both of them and neither of them has left my sight since.

Btw I should probably explain about that test.

Well originally The Archangel has never been known to speak at least not in the physical sense. So this was once used as a way to test however... Reports have come in of The Archangel speaking plus a few accidents occurring involving actual Mutes...

So second test... It's the eyes. When The Archangel is in a form one can see the original person in the eyes. It's hard to explain but if you see it and you're looking for it you'll see it. Don't know how foolproof these plans are but together they're proof enough. Normal eyes and capable of talking probably not The Archangel.

Come to think of it she didn't even make any sounds during... Yeah not thinking about that.

Gonna try my best to get some sleep despite my paranoia. 

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