Sunday, 9 December 2012

Dick's gone.

So it's been a long time. I spent a long time remaining crazy and slaughtering people like an animal before The Archangel did finally step in. He appeared. We attacked him and then he shoved his hand into my head and I heard screaming from somewhere in my soul. Then I passed out.

I awoke locked in a confession box in a church. I didn't have a laptop while I was locked up and in fact only got my hands on something with an internet connection an hour ago. Anyways, The Archangel apparently brought me to a base of his followers and they locked me in a god damn confessional.

So apparently they're not to kill me. See it seems that while in every other way The Last Rites organization is completely useless they are very very good at killing.

While I was going crazy and killing both sides The Last Rites organization was fighting a war against The Timberwolves and winning. From what I hear they were winning in the extreme. Once the war started for real. The only confirmed casualties on The Last Rites side were caused by me and Dick. There are less than 20 Timberwolves left here out of 130 rounded who had been set up here. So their plan is to trade me to The Last Rites in return for The Last Rites organization letting them leave this area unharmed.

So yeah The Archangel and Timberwolves aren't going to kill me so that The Last Rites Organization can.


So why did they let me have something to use to post this? They didn't. The Archangel did.

See it seems his goals extend further than The Timberwolves and he still has plans for me. I don't know what and I don't know how he plans to still use me after The Last Rites agency kills me (Well other than that way I mean...) but I'm sure something is going down and I would not like to be anyone involved in this mess... Unfortunately I'm me. The guy at the center of it.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


You cannot stop us!

Nothing can stop us! WE ARE ONE! WE ARE MANY! WE ARE GOD!

The land is littered with the corpses of the cultists and the organization members.

He is here now. He's appeared twice. He disappears as soon as I notice him though.

One minute he is there wearing the face of the Late leader of the organization. We turn to kill and he is gone.

We will make sport of his servants and all we see until he stops hiding.

I will kill him too.

We will kill everything.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Been a while... Almost a month hasn't it?

So I'm not sure whether I'm just losing it or it's Dick's presence but I've become violent and am now in open fighting with both sides.

Both are still engaged with each other and searching for me. I've ambushed and killed people on both sides.

I don't even care anymore whether they were Timberwolves or my old allies.

They're just prey now.

Dick has given me power and knowledge. I can tell where they are I can tell what they're planning and I cna surprise them. I can also heal.

It's funny I don't think they know about Dick.

As soon as I became the enemy they stopped watching my blog. They think they're hunting a man.

They're not. They're hunting me.

Dick Lestrad?

No Vincent Nixon... Yeah that sounds better...

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


So I'm not sure where I am now.

The gunshots followed me for a while but I lost them and myself somewhere. The Dying Man has been informing me about how eventually all the pieces of this dying man spread by the video will come together.

He's now officially being named Richard. Because he's a dick. He apparently does not object to this name but now refers to himself as Mr. Nixon.


I have a Dying Man named Richard Nixon.

That is just beautiful.

On a related note apparently he knows things... He's been telling me interesting things about The Archangel.

Chances are it's mostly lies but we'll see.

Other than that nothing to report.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Ok so there are some... Problems.

Two huge problems and one possibly huge possibly minor problem.

First huge problem.

The organization head has died. Yeah that ex-Archangel cultist. He's dead. Also turns out and you're gonna love this. There was actually a reason The Archangel couldn't just pop in and kill everyone. Mainly that he had sort of a pact with The leader guy. Some sort of unbreakable vow that he wouldn't enter any building that the leader was in. Well we buried him after he died... In a cemetery... Quite a bit aways... So yeah our protection is gone now...

Second big problem... I was sort of the one who killed him... Yeah just walked into his little office one day with a 2 by 4 I had been using to build some of my bullshit defenses and proceeded to beat him till he was dead. Of course the rest of the organization know it was me because I pretty much did shit all to actually hide the fact it was me so I had to flee and they're still hunting me.

Now the sort of huge problem but that seems relatively minor in the face of these problems despite being pretty much directly responsible for both of them.

That one being the voice in my head... Yeah that might be something called The Dying Man.

See this is what happened. Remember how I said I was reading lots of blogs? Well I basically just started reading all the blogs my buddy Proxiehunter followed. Anyways then I came across a blog called Channel Fear and I read it and then I noticed one of it's followers had a strangely amusing picture so I started reading everything he followed and stumbled across a blog called B-Movie Monsters... I skimmed most of it and I guess I really should have actually read the entirety of the last post cause apparently The Dying Man passed into me through That Blog... Was not aware it could do that... But anyways so I now have The Dying Man as an annoying voice in my head who apparently if I become sleep deprived enough can overpower my self control and make me doom entire organizations by murdering their barrier wielding leader.

So... That happened.

Oh he also claims he's getting stronger by the second and that soon he will be strong enough to take control whenever he wants and that he's almost strong enough to call out to all the other pieces still out there.

So I should probably be more concerned about him but really the far more immediate danger is the gun wielding crazies (Timberwolves, Archangel and now The Last Rites organization members) out for my head so I'm kind of focusing on that.

Those way to close for comfort gunshots tell me I should get moving again so bye for now.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

So busy...

Being a makeshift expert is probably the worst thing in existence.

Being me and a Makeshift Expert is probably somehow worse.

Everyone suspects me and yet everyone also expects me to know everything and protect them.

I got asked to come up with ways to make the base completely impervious to all of the Assholes.

I don't know how to do this shit!

Cold Boy? Um set up a bunch of flame throwers? IDFK!

Most of these things don't even seem stoppable.

Hell I don't even know what protects us from The Archangel. That might be a good idea... Why not tell the guy you're putting in charge of defense about what current defenses are in place. Although if I had to guess I'd say none and The Archangel is just humouring us.

Of course at the root of all of this I am as much of an expert as pretty much anyone else who reads the information blogs.

I don't actually know anything about any of this but still I know more than the rest of the people here.

Which when you think about it is horribly sad.  OH RIGHT! That reminds me... The entire point of this organization was proven wrong. In the wake of everything else I completely forgot to address that point.

The Archangel can totally still use bodies we've killed. So even the one thing they thought they knew was wrong.

Why the fuck am I still even here?

Because I have nowhere else to go? Fair enough mysterious voice in my head that is responding to me and that I thought was just a hypothetical person I could carry on a conversation with but who I am slowly realizing is in fact actually a voice in my head.

Am I going crazy?

Well great I've started talking to myself so much my hypothetical conversation partner has come to life.

So anyways again this was a tangent the point is I've been busy making bullshit defenses for the new headquarters.

Oh also the rest of the organization has started calling them The Dead Men assuming that they're all creatures from The Afterlife like The Archangel.

The people here are all complete fucking idiots.

Yes voice in my head making flamethrowers an actual recommendation than using them to torch this place to the ground when they inevitable actually buy me a bunch of flamethrowers would be pretty funny.

No I'm not going to do it because I'm not a psycho.

Finding enjoyment in shooting a dead person in the face is not psychotic if the dead person is an evil god.

Shut up other me.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

New headquarters

You know I have to ask.

If The Last Rites organization has a headquarters in Washington why the fuck did they make me travel all the way to fucking Texas?

The more I learn about this organization the more I feel like I should hate everyone of them. I mean at this point they are almost single handedly responsible for Kycilia's death and everything that happened to me as a result.

Right anyways...

So The Cold Boy... That guy Proxiehunter sent me a link with a list of the creatures a while back I read a few...

I kind of thought it was probably mostly bullshit...

Guess not.

Maybe if I had paid more attention I could have recognized Marie for what she was.

Maybe I could have prevented all this...

Oh also The archangel permanently deafened me in my right ear with that first shot so that's nice...

Right sorry went on another tangent.

The rest of the organization apparently had no idea about these other creatures either.

I've been put in charge of researching these other creatures to prevent something like that happening again.

So I've been checking the link Proxiehunter (Interesting spelling by the way) sent me and a few others.

I've also been reading some other people's accounts of interactions with The creatures.

I refuse to use the name that has come up most often and the term Phobic Representational Entity sounds like pretentious bullshit and upon looking it up is pretty much just a more pretentious way of saying fears so no thanks. Fossils was one I came upon as well but that makes me think dinosaurs so ignoring that too...

I think I'm just going to refer to them as The Assholes because they are.

Every last one of them is an asshole.

I doubt the organization will be willing to adopt that name though...

On another note a few of the surviving members reading my account have started to become suspicious.

What with The Archangel showing up and saving my life and all that.

He saved my life at an earlier point too but that was put down to him trying to infiltrate The organization and needing me alive. Now people aren't quite sure though. I heard some whisperings that they think I might be a Timberwolf and that I had been purposely bringing The Archangel there and had known all along.

It's not true but I must admit sounds plausible from an outside point of view... Doesn't mean I won't punch out anyone who says it to my face.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

How did this happen?

I was sleeping. Then alarms everywhere alarms.

I rushed outside with my gun and slipped.

The floor was covered in ice. I made my way carefully after that.

Dead people everywhere.

There was a guy... He was attached to the wall.

Icicles sticking out of him his body shredded.

I continued. There were gunshots.

When I eventually reached them I saw a bunch of agents firing at a young boy. Marie was behind him stabbing the bloody corpse of her father while whistling. The bullets hit the boy with no effect. His skin would crack open and then reform. I think he was smiling but I can't actually remember what he looked like. He raised his hands and then giant icicles just appeared in the agents chests and they fell. The boy turned to me and I took out my gun. Marie stood up covered in blood and looked at me as well. They were both just watching me. I aimed the gun then decided to just run like hell. I ran slipping on the ice but quickly righting myself. I didn't know where I was going. There were bodies, blood and ice everywhere...

After a few seconds I felt warmth and realized how cold I had been. I was outside. Suddenly the kids were both there. Marie licked her father's blood off of her weird looking knife. It looked like it was made of metallic ice. She lunged at me and there was a booming sound right by my ear that blew both my eardrums and made me fall to the ground. Her head exploded. Right behind where I was standing arm outstretched holding a shotgun which had been fired right beside my fucking ear was The Archangel.

More accurately it was that medium guy. I started standing back up but he kicked me in the chest and I fell back down. I couldn't hear over the ringing in my ears but the boy said something and The Archangel nodded. The boy seemed angry and the temperature started dropping. Snow began falling from the sky a small flurry quickly growing into a blizzard. Archangel just tilted the gun slightly and fired. The boy shattered into thousands of pieces and the blizzard instantly stopped.

He came back to me, smiled, turned into Kycilia proving the organization instantly wrong and then smashed me in the face with the butt of the shot gun.

I awoke later in a car. The survivors are being transferred to a new location.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Back home.

We made it without incident and got Marie to The Last Hope organization headquarters. I also learned what exactly constitutes a high profile recruit in this organization.

Marie is the daughter of one of the high ups. He had believed her dead until hearing about her recently on the news. See from what I gathered she had been kidnapped at a young age and her father had just assumed she was dead. However it appears somehow she ended up in France living with some spirit medium guy.

Apparently he could contact your loved ones and stuff right. Course it turned out what he was really doing was contacting The Archangel in the form of your loved ones. Something happened and he died. The strange iron symbol he kept over his seance table (Described as like a Star of David but with the top and bottom triangles pushed in >.>) fell and managed to decapitate him. Probably the Archangel decided he was more useful dead and ended their partnership. The death was covered on the news and somehow this higher up saw the coverage and recognized Marie as his lost daughter.

So he sent me and Fay to get her.

That's that then mission accomplished.

What's next?

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Red Eye.

Lying back in an uncomfortable seat with no legroom. Everyone else is asleep or so I thought. Too tired to sleep. Went over things in my head then I heard the singing.

I look over and Marie is singing quietly to herself. Her eyes are closed but I'm pretty sure she's awake.

She's just singing some french song.

I don't know much french but I'm pretty sure she said crocodile and something about elephants.

After she finished she yawned and then was silent.

I'm still awake though.

I keep glancing around at the other passengers...

I don't think I'll ever stop being paranoid now... Anyone here could secretly be some dead guy or girl being used by that monster.

I can't sleep. Any of these passengers could be it and while I'm sleeping it could just slip up slit all our throats or kill us in some other horrible way then disappear.

Sure you can test for it but not an entire plane not without a really good excuse anyways. The only people I know are still alive are Fay and Marie because I tested both of them and neither of them has left my sight since.

Btw I should probably explain about that test.

Well originally The Archangel has never been known to speak at least not in the physical sense. So this was once used as a way to test however... Reports have come in of The Archangel speaking plus a few accidents occurring involving actual Mutes...

So second test... It's the eyes. When The Archangel is in a form one can see the original person in the eyes. It's hard to explain but if you see it and you're looking for it you'll see it. Don't know how foolproof these plans are but together they're proof enough. Normal eyes and capable of talking probably not The Archangel.

Come to think of it she didn't even make any sounds during... Yeah not thinking about that.

Gonna try my best to get some sleep despite my paranoia. 

Sunday, 23 September 2012

No contact.

So I had my computer stolen shortly after arrival.

As such I couldn't stay in contact with the Last Rites guys or find out anymore information on the recruit. So I've basically just been looking around for a new computer.

The more intelligent are probably wondering what my accomplice was doing.

No clue. She disappeared shortly after I was robbed. Said she was going to go tell the local police and never came back.

Considering my last partner I wasn't in a rush to find her. As horrible as that might sound.

Anyways turns out she had made contact with the new recruit on her own and eventually came back to where I had been staying with the new recruit.

The recruit was apparently a french girl around 14 years old. She gave her name as Marie Glace well glassay but Fay's computer doesn't do the accent thing...

So mission accomplished I confirmed neither was secretly the archangel and Fay confirmed I wasn't and tomorrow night we're heading back home.

So first mission some problems but no one died. I call that a success.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Been better

I'd say I'm over it now but I don't think one ever gets over knowing that one had sex with

A. Technically a dead body.

B. A horrible inhuman monster.

So yeah. Still disturbed by that but I've at least... Come to terms I guess? I don't really know how to describe it. Regardless I'm up and about now and ready to do my part for this organization. Or whatever. I kind of really just want to do whatever I can to get back at the bastard. Shooting it in the face a couple of times seems like a good way of doing so...

I wonder... I've heard things like people saying that while he's controlling the bodies they're conscious and can tell what he's doing with them. That makes me wonder. Are we shooting him in the face or just shooting his victims in the face?

Damn that's a depressing thought. Anyways so I got a mission that kind of pisses me off. Apparently usually they send organization members to help out potential members get here. They didn't with me and Kycilia because they were running a test. Apparently trying to see whether maybe they could spare the members and let potential recruits get here themselves. Apparently test failed.

No shit? I never would have guessed the horrible traumatizing slaughterfest that was my trip here wasn't a complete success.

Right anyways so incredibly high profile recruit coming in today from across the damn ocean so they're sending me and a member named Fay Wray to go pick them up.

Apparently Fay Wray is a currently dead actress so if I wasn't aware of the fact most people around here seem to take names from others I'd be kind of worried what with the nature of our foe and all.

For the record turns out Kycilia Zabi is a character from some "Anime" show. Coincidentally a villainess in the show and a traiterous bitch.

Ok that's not fair. Kycilia... The Kycilia I traveled with didn't betray me. She got killed then her body was used by a monster. Still though.

Anyways gonna stop rambling and get going. We're going by boat to Portugal to pick up the recruit.

Oh I was also given hints to identify The Archangel if it ever tries to be covert again.

I might post them up later if the organization gives me the green light.

Thursday, 30 August 2012


I just took my eight shower in less than two days. I just... I... Touched it... I was worried about... Hah...

I feel so dirty and used.

They eventually said they couldn't wait anymore and they needed to properly indoctrinate me into the order.

First major surprise. Our leader is a Timberwolf. I almost left right there. However it's not like I'm safer elsewhere and if he betrays us it will just be more of the same for me.

Anyways apparently he was once a Timberwolf and worshipped The Archangel. Then The Archangel targeted some guy. The Timberwolves went into action and killed him for their master. At this point he found out the target had been someone he used to know. He refused to say who or what the connection was. Anyways he broke off from the Timberwolves and went into hiding for a while before coming up with the plan The Last Rites now follow. According to him The Archangel can only interact with our world through the dead and never appears in a form that has been destroyed already. So he came to the conclusion that if The Archangel's body is killed he cannot use said body again. He thus figures that if he can kill everyone of The Archangel's bodies he can keep The archangel from ever harming anyone else.

Anyone reading this can tell this is stupid. The rate of death and amount of people already dead means even if we were to kill The Archangel thousands of times a day we might just manage to catch up before the heat death of the universe. However on a small scale we're a group of people going out and shooting an evil god in the face as many times as it takes to stop it. That's kind of cool and they do save people apparently...

I still feel dirty I'm going to take another shower.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

All gone wrong.

How long?

Quite long...

The Cathedral seems like the likeliest point but that's exactly why it wasn't.

Longer... Earlier than that.

Earlier than that night?

Yes earlier than that... I... Oh god...

The church... Since the church it's been playing me.

The body had been shot in the face so many times it was unrecognizable. That was the point.

She died there and it came with me.

It's kind of funny now... It had to of dressed her up and given her the knife. To complete the illusion...

The light blocking our exit, killing that nun... All more illusion. It probably went back that night after I slept and slaughtered the rest of them then gave our license plate to the cops...

All of it while pretending to be her.

Why? What was it trying to accomplish. It forced us to the cathedral then killed everyone but me. I had felt it behind me but it had been her instead. That's because it was both.

Monster... It's a monster...

We reached the destination. Liam came out and greeted me then took out a gun and shot Kycilia in the face. I screamed as she dropped then her body rotted away instantly and she stood back up in the form of my mother. Liam told me to run inside and shot my mother as well. I did so and watched him shoot my father before getting inside the facility.

Liam came in a few minutes later and shut the door. He told me it couldn't get in here. the leader of The Last Rites organization had somehow protected the headquarters from it. We were safe. I didn't really care. Kycilia had been The Archangel... The organization knew it too. They didn't warn me. They knew it would kill me if I knew and that it would give me safe passage as long as I didn't... How did they know it wouldn't just kill me? What the hell did it want? Liam brought me to a room and told me to rest. I'm still resting now. I don't think I'll be "rested" for a while...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Thinking rationally now.

So we're on the move again. Kycilia is asleep in the backseat. She was very tired. I am too but there's nowhere to stop for long. I'm only stopping by the side of the road for a bit too write this post.

We're continuing on straight to Dallas assuming there's no further interruptions.

I feel oddly clearheaded right now. As such I've realized I forgot too actually inform you of how we got into that previous situation in the first place.

We were heading down the road and then suddenly there were  police cars they came out from behind a sign. I knew the car was a bad idea. The person who had reported the church slaughter had recorded the license plate of the car and the car apparently had a GPS device or whatever that let the police track us. So they've actually been tracking us for a while and they sprang the trap here. We managed to escape but we were being chased and then fucking assholes on motorcycles with guns pop up in our path forcing us to turn... Into the front doors of a fucking Cathedral. So we got the hell out of the car and ran into the only door we could see which led to the tower. Then the fucking motorcyclists come in and try to get through the door but we hold them off and then the police surround the place and it became the situation I told you about earlier. The Archangel was using the cops and Timberwolves to trap us. He had us and instead he killed them all and let us go... What the hell is his game.

Anyways better keep moving. We'll be in Dallas by sundown with any luck.

Monday, 27 August 2012



All of the everything...

No no no

Everyone... They're people not things...

Were people. They were people. Huh I wonder why we consider people things once they're dead. I mean it makes sense but...

Kycilia's still alive but I think she's unconscious. Well she might be dead but I'm personally hoping she's just unconscious somewhere around here...

The cathedral was destroyed...

Completely destroyed...

The door opened and me and Kycilia started shooting. Our bullets did nothing. There was no one there.

He was there but he... He is a thing.

He's not even a he.

He doesn't even deserve to be an it.

I can't think of anything better though. It it was standing there and then there was just darkness. The absence of light. The moment he appeared in my vision I couldn't see anything else... I could hear people everywhere. Millions and millions... No Quintillions of people... Even that's probably not enough. You can't number the dead. All the dead everyone one of them screaming at me. Laughing at me. Crying... Screaming... Laughing... Begging me not to kill them... Not to kill it...

They're already dead. They're part of that thing... They still don't want to die? What does that even mean?

I don't know what I'm talking about...

Later I was sprawled out on the ground. The cathedral ruins and thousands of bodies around me. I crawled around for a bit. I couldn't walk. He's still here I can feel him but I can't see him. He's right behind me but I can't turn to look at him... I found my laptop... I then went looking for Kycilia... All I could find were bodies... Everywhere bodies. They all seemed burnt as if there was a fire. Anyone of them could be her... But I choose to believe she's still alive... It left me alive... Why would it kill her and not me...

It's still behind me now... It won't kill me it's waiting for something. I can't find her. I'm sure she'll find me. My legs feel so weak but I'm not injured... It's making me feel this way. It's arms surround me it's wings cover my eyes. It's breast bump against the back of my... Oh wait it's Kycilia... She's hugging me. My legs feel better... I don't feel it anymore. Ending this post now we're getting the fuck out of here.

All I can do is laugh at the absurdity... If I didn't I'd put a gun in my mouth.

I am currently sitting in a cathedral tower. Someone's yelling at me over a loudspeaker. The doors to the tower and all but one window are locked and/or boarded. Kycilia is standing by the only open window and occasionally looking outside. The entire place is surrounded by police. The one upside... I know where we are now. We're in Oklahoma. So god damned close and now we're stuck here surrounded by police. Worse yet, there are a bunch of Archangel cultists, timberwolves I think they're called? Whatever a bunch of those bastards in the main cathedral below us. They're heavily armed and they're holding off the police while trying to get to us. It's a free for all I guess... We're trying to survive and not get arrested or shot by police snipers, The Timberwolves are trying to get in and keep the police out and the police are trying to arrest all of us...

It's almost hilarious. If this was a tv show or movie it could only be a comedy at this point. Hell the best part is the irony. We're fleeing religion and the place that becomes our refuge and possibly final stand is a god damn cathedral.

How the hell did we even get to this point...

Wait I know the answer to that one...

and I'll tell you all about it...

Wait or not...

Shit they're getting through.


Saturday, 25 August 2012

On the move again and just gonna pretend that last post never happened.

I still don't know exactly where we are  but I think we might be near Texas...

It's been pretty long and I'm sure we've been driving in the right direction.

Oh also apparently there's now a nationwide manhunt on for us...

For killing a cop, evading arrest, grand theft auto and the slaughter of an entire church...

That's not entirely true. We left some of the "nuns" alive...

Although according to the news report on the radio all of them were killed.

D'you think The Archangel killed all of it's own followers just to get us in more trouble? Would it do that?

Or maybe it was one of the other monster's that proxiehunter guy informed me about.

Oh speaking of... If you're still reading this Proxiehunter I'm pretty sure Kycilia is not a camper... I mean she'd of started copying me by now if she was right?

Anyways so we're going to be avoiding populated areas from now on until we get to Dallas...

Oh right The Last Rite organization contacted us after the news reached them and they realized it was talking about us. They told us once we arrived they could deal with that. They didn't say how but I trust them.

Moral question.

Ok it was unintentional but I may have just taken advantage of someone else's mental state.

I'm not entirely sure how but trying to help her get to sleep quickly turned into proving that sex in the backseat of a car is not as comfortable as it's supposed popularity would imply.

Looking back it seems so wrong but damn did it feel right...

I'm conflicted... I mean I'm pretty sure she initiated it but does that absolve me of responsibility. She obviously wasn't and, still isn't, in her right mind.

So did I take advantage of her or not? Am I a sick bastard or not?

I don't know...

Well it did end up getting her to sleep... I think...

My memory is still a little off on specifics but I'm pretty sure she fell asleep shortly after.

As soon as she wakes up we're moving on again...

A worrying thought occurs...

I'm pretty sure condoms were not included in my travel kit when I started this journey.

Did she have condoms on her or any other preventatives?

Oh god I hope so...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Camping in the woods.

So still no idea where we actually are. However it was getting late so we stopped where we were. Unfortunately this was the middle of the woods. Fortunately we had a car and it's probably safer in the woods than it would be in a town or city.

So we settled down for the night in this car on a worn down path in the woods. Kycilia still has not said a word despite me making many attempts to talk to her. She responds but never verbally.

Oh that reminds me I asked her what happened and had her type it up.

"She took me to take a bath. I got undressed and left my gun on the floor. While I was bathing she took out a knife. I was lucky enough to see her and I got out of the bath and grabbed my gun. I shot her... Once in the face. Then I just kept shooting her body. I was scared and angry. I killed her and just kept shooting. When you came in I had just reloaded the gun I had intended to shoot her a few more times."

So yeah I guess she went a little overboard. Hopefully she'll recover and be able to talk again soon. It's kind of depressing seeing her so silent.

She seems to be having a lot of trouble sleeping. I'm ending this post now to try and help her.


So I'm sure anyone who knows more about our foe than us will think we're complete idiots for this but The Last Rites guys neglected to inform either of us of his connection to religion. I mean yeah we could have made the connection ourselves what with it being called The Archangel and being connected with death and the afterlife and stuff but we weren't thinking of stuff like that.

So we were tired and hungry and trying to get through some random town when we're stopped by a priest. He tells us "Ah my children you look so distraught! Come with me we'll get you some food and a place to rest."

As far as we knew we had no reason not to trust him so we went with him.

He brought us to a rather large church. The sign above the door just said "The Holy Father's Church of Eternal Rest." The sign on the front lawn said "ETA" and then assorted news items and scheduled events. Inside, the atmosphere was kind of hushed and depressed. I figured this might be one of the more apocalyptic churches. You know those really serious ones that you hear about all the time talking about how the world is ending soon and we all need to repent.

Oh the church was aesthetically just like all other churches except I couldn't get over the idea there was something missing...

Anyways so we were brought inside and then we were separated. A bunch of nuns came and took Kycilia away while the priest led me away to a small set of rooms. I was given a small cot like bed and some food. I ate quickly than drifted off to sleep. I don't know how long I slept exactly.

I woke up to the sound of hushed voices and a humanoid shape leaning over me his hand hovering near my waist. My first thought was that I had been about to be molested my second thought was that he had been trying to take my gun. I shoved him away and pulled my gun out, aimed it at him and turned off the safety. He didn't seem afraid or even startled and then I noticed two other silhouettes. They were both holding black candles which somehow seemed to turn them into dark silhouettes in the light as opposed to illuminate them. They both seemed to be wearing red robes with hoods and so did the man I had pushed away. It was at this point that I noticed two things. I noticed what had been missing earlier. The entire church was devoid of crosses. The other thing I had noticed was that the man I had pushed had a symbol on his robe. I had never seen the symbol before only had it described but I could recognize it for what it was. The Twin Triangles. The Symbol of The Archangel.

This is going to sound horrible possibly but I didn't wait for them to speak. I shot the first one then the other two as quick as I could. I then rushed out shot that fucking priest who had lured us here, He was standing on the pulpit reading from a book I'm willing to bet was not The Holy Bible.

I then went after Kycilia heading through the doors the "nuns" had taken her through.

This turned out to be a bathhouse of sorts and I was instantly met with a number of women in varying states of dress. I aimed my gun which thankfully seemed to hold them at bay since I'm not sure I would have been able to shoot if they had forced me too.

I asked them where Kycilia was and one of them pointed at a door. I went to the door keeping an eye on the women as I headed to it. As I reached the door I heard a gunshot... Followed by quite a few more.

I burst in and found Kycilia. She was standing, naked and dripping wet. There was a drawn bath near her and lots of water on the floor. There was also a body. It was clutching a knife loosely in it's hand and it's face had been shot so many times that it was entirely unrecognizable. She turned to me and dropped the gun then dropped herself. I attempted to rush forward and catch her as she fell but instead managed to slip on the wet floor and careen into her knocking us both against the tub and getting us tangled together.

Not the smoothest move ever I admit. After that I grabbed her soaked clothes and helped her get dressed. She didn't speak at all. She seemed shocked... I guess this is the first time she ever killed a person. I mean she killed her son but that wasn't really a person and she knew it.

Actually this is the first time I've killed anyone... I'm not sure how I feel... Giddy is probably the best description... Is there something wrong with me?

Anyways we headed back out. The women were watching us. I lifted my gun to threaten them but Kycilia lifted hers first and fired. One of the women went down. They seemed shocked and merely stared at Kycilia in surprise. She was about to shoot another one but I stopped her and dragged her to the door and out into the main chapel area.

We went towards the doors when suddenly there was a terrifying howl and all the windows shattered. A bright light seared my eyes and an overwhelming pressure pushed me down to my knees. Through my watering eyes I could see Kycilia bowing as well. However I also saw her struggling to pull her gun up. There was a gunshot and I fell flat onto the ground.

For a good five seconds I thought I had been shot then I realized I was still alive and I could stand. I stood and Kycilia was lying on the ground. The light was gone. I helped Kycilia up and headed outside. There was a car outside and there was a key in the ignition.

Probably stupid but we stole the car and drove off as fast as possible.

I'm driving now Kycilia still seems to be in shock.

At least she's still not speaking or responding to my questions.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Road Block.

We had to take a bit of a detour... By bit of a detour I mean we were just part of a crazy high speed chase through about 3 states and are now in Illinois. See we were passing through South Dakota as planned when we ran into a police roadblock. It took about half an hour to reach the front of the queue and then when the officer came to the car and looked in Kycilia did something completely fucking crazy. She took one look at the cop then drew her pistol and SHOT HIM IN THE FACE!

After this she immediately gunned the car, veered off the road and refused to stop. It wasn't long before cops were chasing us. Kycilia is a pretty crazy driver though and she managed to get us through every attempt they made to stop us. We eventually lost them, who knows, how many hours later and finally stopped. Unfortunately at this point in time we had apparently managed to drive all the way to Illinois. We ditched the car and continued on foot. We have no choice but to head straight down to Texas from here and hopefully pick up a new car along the way.

Oh and of course I asked her "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOOT A COP IN THE FACE?!"

Her response was that it was her uncle. I'll admit I was kind of stupid and this didn't explain anything to me and my response when she explained that he was dead was "Well yeah you just shot him."

Of course what she actually meant was her uncle had been dead for years. He had been a celebrated cop once upon a time but he had gotten involved with a hostage situation and had been sent in to deliver the requested money and bring out a hostage. Unfortunately some greedy bastard had decided to deliver counterfeit money instead of real money and the hostage taker checked the money. Outraged he shot Kycilia's uncle and three of the hostages before he made the mistake of walking by a window in sight of a police sniper.

Hearing this story I told her about my dealing with The Archangel and asked her about her own.

Apparently she had had a son who died at the age of 2 months. SIDS. She had been overcome with grief and the father had never been around. The child being the result of an accidental pregnancy. She told me not to ask anymore about that so I didn't. She left her son's room alone after he died. One day while staying home alone she heard the sound of a child crying. It was coming from her sons room. She went to the room and found her son lying in his crib and crying. For months afterwards it remained there. She never went back into the room but she could always hear it crying. She thought she was going insane. Especially since whenever company came over the crying would stop. As time passed she became more and more irritated and anxious. The Crying was driving her crazy. Finally one day she went back into the room. The creature, she refused to think of it as her son, stopped crying as she entered and gave her the most sinister smile a baby is capable of. She took it's pillow placed it over it's face and waited. The day after she left. No destination in mind she just left the house and started walking. Eventually a Last Rites member found out about her story, somehow she has no clue how, and contacted her telling her to go to their headquarters. With no other plans she decided to do so and that's it. She also informed me that sometimes she still hears the crying in her dreams.

So yeah that's a depressing story.

We're moving on now. There won't be anymore safehouses on the way this route. Just enemy territory from here to Dallas.

Lock and load it's time to go.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Last Nite.

I managed to make it to the safehouse. There was someone else there. She was a traveller like me heading to Dallas. There was also a weapon cache and we took some pistols and ammo clips.

She gave her name as Kycilia Zabi. I get the feeling it's not her real name but hey I didn't give my real last name either. Yeah Lestrad isn't my real last name. *Gasp* *Shock* *Awe*

We slept in the small bed rooms. There was more than one room and one bed but she was scared to sleep alone so we slept together. Nothing happened though.

We're leaving now. She had a better car than me so I'm ditching mine here with the keys for any other travellers who might need it.

As a result though she refuses to let me drive so I'm riding shotgun.

So I have a friend now and we're heading to the next safehouse in South Dakota.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Day 1

Passing into Saskatchewan today.

Normally I'd of just driven down to the border but apparently the safe route is quite a bit twistier. Gonna have to go through Saskatchewan and then down into North Dakota then down through South Dakota to Wyoming and through Utah then swing around through Nevada to Arizona and then straight through Arizona and New Mexico into Texas and on to Dallas.

Rough trip and far longer than it has to be but apparently it will make it a much safer ride. Though they were quick to warn me that there is no such thing as safety and that I should definitely bring a weapon.

I don't have any guns. So for now I just have a small array of knives and a baseball bat in the passenger seat.

Apparently I'll be able to pick up some real weapons at the first safehouse. Which I can hopefully reach by tonight.

If I don't think I can make it all the way to the first safehouse tonight they recommend stopping near the border.

We'll see what happens.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Fight the hugs.

Hello my name is Vincent.

I'm a probationary member of an organization called Last Rites.

Have you ever heard of The Archangel?

Probably not. Neither had I until 2 months ago.

My mother died in 1996 in a plane crash.

So when she showed up a few months ago and murdered my father I was understandably traumatized and confused. During the trial over my father's murder I told people this story and obviously no one believed me. Except...

A certain man named Liam Beison contacted me and told me all about The Archangel.

What is the Archangel?

We're not entirely sure on that but we know it is some sort of immortal spiritual being that can take the form of any dead person to interact with the world.

The Last Rites organization was formed to stop the Archangel. They have a long term plan that in truth is sort of ridiculous but their short term work is beneficial. They told me that it was The Archangel who killed my father and offered me to join them.

They are stationed in Dallas however which is sort of a problem since I live in Calgary and neither I or they have the funding to buy a plane ticket. They sent me a map though which listed certain safe areas throughout the country.

So I'm heading out by car too join up with this group.